Saturday, November 1, 2014

Letters to November

Dear November,

Today is our first day together, and I just wanted to say hello.

You are my favorite month of the year, and you also are the tail end of my favorite season of the year - Autumn.

We seem to have gotten along famously over the years, but I don't think we've ever been formally introduced... so allow me to break down that fourth wall of nonsense, extend my hand and say, "Hello!"

You're a busy month for me, you know. It's true. Aside from my birthday and Thanksgiving, there's also NaNoWriMo which started the second your month started. Unfortunately I had to work today so I couldn't get to writing straight. But I had been outlining and making notes like mad to prepare for NaNoWriMo this year in hopes that I would actually finish something.

The first time I participated was back in 2010. I think I was close to my goal but I didn't quite finish.

And when I did it last year, I was hoping some jolt of inspirational lightning would metaphorically strike me, filling me with it's energy to write... but alas, tired, stressed with too much going on does not make for prime writing time.

I hate being tired, but then again, I hate having insomnia so there you go.

In any case, I did good tonight. I got 2,100 words out on my first day. Yay me!

But now it's time for sleep. Goodnight, November, and see you sometimes tomorrow.

Have Goodness!

*inspired by Letters to Autumn by Carrie Hope Fletcher

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