Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Letters to November ||| 25

Dear November,

Today was rather uneventful. Went to work. Met some new people (aka new hires). Talked on the phone. Texted with my mom. Ate some salad. Wrote some. Drank a lot of water. Dreamed of a better life. Left work. Visited Jess. Chatted a bit. Came home. Started laundry. And now here we are. Me sitting on my bed eating left over butternut squash lasagna while I try not to be irritated with the present.

I'm hoping next month won't be as bad as I dread... but then again, that's what cocktails are for, right?

In other news, writing is going slowly. If I could minus out the backpain and maybe sit in a comfy chair at a desk undisturbed for a while, that'd be grand.

Laundry drying. Sitting herE trying to find some energy to write, but it's killing me just to write this little blurb of "oh this is how my day went" -- back pains and aches aren't helping either.

I think I'll sign this off now. I'll try to write more later.

The next few "letters" might be post marked for late since I'll be out of town for the holidays, but I'll try to find a way to post my letters to you,

In the meantime, I'll talk to you later.

Have Goodness!

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