Sunday, January 6, 2019

Two For The Price Of One

"It takes two to make a thing go right
It takes two to make it out of site"
-from the song "It Takes Two" by Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock
Okie dokie... so first things first. For Friday...

Q: The best part of today.
A: Sleeping.
Q&A a Day: A 5-Year Journal

Happy Thought of the Day (HTOTD): Not having to work Saturday.

And now Saturday...

Q: What was the last restaurant you went to?
A: If we're counting fast-food drive thru - Carl's Jr. Dine-in/Sit-Down - DiCicco's (I think).
Q&A a Day: A 5-Year Journal

Happy Thought of the Day (HTOTD): Hot toddys.

And with the above done...

I'm not sure if I'll be doing this blogging thing every night, but I think I'm going to try.

I mean, I do have insomnia, after all, so I have that going for me which translates to some strange form of narcolepsy-ish situation for me when you mix it in with the fatigue from work, that's just one giant cocktail of disaster... when it comes to posting on a daily basis.

I'm not saying I won't be... but I'll give it my best (and really that's all anyone can ask for or offer, right?)

So... last night...

I had completely intended on posting something - most likely the next day like I have been - and then I made the mistake of getting in my bed. (Okay, under the covers, but it's pretty much the same thing.) I was cold, and I was wearing my Skecher boots because they're warm, and my feet were cold... and it was cold. So while sitting on the side of my bed (not sure what I was doing... maybe intending to plug my phone into my bedside charger... but being cold, I pulled back the covers and draped them over me with my feet hanging off the side of the bed since I still had my boots on. Eventually, I took them off to curl completely underneath the blankets... and passed out.

Cut to the following morning... my blinds are closed, and I hear the weather stirring outside. (Getting up early in the morning to get to work, I'm used to it being dark and eventually getting lighter midday. What I heard from the comfy cozy of my bed was not lighter. When I did look, I saw it was grey, and it had rained... and I had a little bit of a plan to go out and run errands (as well as to finish airing up my tires), but none of that happened. Instead, I stayed home - stayed warm - and did not fall back asleep. (High-Five myself! That's right! Gimme ALL the points!)

The only productive things I did today: made coffee, made soup, pay bills, not fall asleep, play Spider-Man, get current with Outlander, made egg sandwiches, and made hot toddys.

I'm hoping to be more productive tomorrow.

My brother texted me today saying they plan on having a birthday party for my niece (who turns 11 on 1/8/19) next weekend and hopes I can make it. If I can't, then next weekend would be the latest to have her party. I'll most likely be able to make it next weekend and not the weekend after (since work is lame), but I told him I'd let him know Monday since I want to check the schedule just to me be sure. (I'm supposed to have weekends off at my job, but due to my department being short-staffed and the two new people still in training, I most likely will have to cover a shift another co-worker requested time off for... so yeah, the schedule stuff is something that makes me grumble A LOT.)

I also need to figure out accommodations for my friends' wedding next month. It's out of state, and I am driving with to and from with friends (married couple) but am staying in another friend's room (she's married but is the only one attending the wedding). The latter friend is arriving the day after me and leaving a day before me... so I think I need to get a room for the day after she leaves and try and find a room to crash in the day before she arrives.

Ugh. I hate this. I wish it was easier.

In other news, I am reorganizing the look of my blog. Not sure how it will eventually end up, but perhaps something a little more colorful?

Blah - I suppose I should get to bed now. I keep yawning which is distracting me from writing this post... and also if I mean to run any errands at all tomorrow (it's not tomorrow until the sun comes up), then I should hit the sack now - though I'm a little doubtful I'll be getting anything done.

[crosses fingers] But here's hoping!

Until next time...

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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