Thursday, January 3, 2019

And Then There Was Day Two...

"I'm not mad. I'm in a perfectly happy mood, you asshole."
-Kurt Cobain

And here we are. The second day of 2019.

I had been thinking about writing/blogging all day today, but after work, I had some errands to run... and then I got home and had to do some work around the house. Like me, I feel my home will be a forever work in progress. At the moment, it's pretty clean. The holidays left it in chaos for a bit, but I've cleaned that up a bit. Now it's not too much of an obstacle course to get from Point A to Point B.

It only took a couple trips from my car to get everything out of it. Once in my apartment, I made my bed, added the new quilt I bought today onto it (since it be cold at night, sheesh), broke down my Christmas tree and stored it away (usually I leave it up for a while since it makes me happy - I take it down before January ends), made dinner (egg and turkey bacon sandwiches - love breakfast for dinner), poured the cold brew I made from the pitcher to the jug, tested out some of the cold brew and simple syrup I made last night (not bad with some almond creamer - pretty dope), made a cocktail, and set up my PS4 (a Christmas treat to myself - right now I'm updating it). 

Today went reasonably well. I didn't get too mad today. Granted it's still the aftermath of the holidays. I don't expect the world to right itself until next week. 

I found that I didn't have to talk myself off that ledge of "If you say one more word, I'm going to scream... and possibly rip something important off of you that no medical team will be able to reattach."

Yeah, that's been one of my random states of being as of late - mostly at work though. The rest of the world - though tense in its own right - doesn't seem to be as bad as office life. But that's neither here nor there. I was fine today, and that made me happy. Granted, I was tired... mainly due to not getting enough sleep since I was cold. I eventually passed out, but then one of my many alarms said, "Hey. Remember me?" I cast my phone a grumpy, nonattentive glance before tapping snooze, and it said: "I'll be back in a few minutes." These "I'll be back moments" usually last for ten to fifteen minutes as I mentally try to cut down my getting-ready-for-work-process to buy me more sleep, but it's always interrupted with another poke from my alarm. "Wakey wakey."

I managed to stay awake when I got home (huzzah for me!), but now I'm still up waiting for my PS4 to finish updating. It's almost done, and then I'll be able to pass out.

Ack! I still need to wash my face and brush my teeth.

So... writing tomorrow. Definitely. Perhaps not blogging, but definitely need to spend some time with the novel that I've been trying to finish for the past... oh, I have no idea how long. I think a couple NaNoWriMo's ago? I've got some rewrites in my head as well as some potential new bits, and I really just want to get them out of my head and onto the page before they run off to join the circus or something. 

Ohhh... update done. Now the system is restarting. 

It's so nice to have a game system again. I have a PS and PS2 in storage, but the systems are no longer backward compatible. In any case, I need to get myself reacquainted with my games. Tomb Raider. Tekken. My friend Steve gifted me some games he thought I'd like, and I bought myself the Spider-Man game during Christmas as well. Woot!


Okay. I think the update is done - so I should really hit the sack. 

I feel a little bad that this wasn't much of an update, but at least I didn't go dark and twisty like the last post. I have no idea what got into me. (Well... yeah I do, but that's neither here nor there.)

But I will try to get better at posting before the day ends. (And I also need to figure out a better place for that PS stuff below. Or maybe I'll just leave it there. Shrug.)

Later my lovelies!

Have Goodness!


Q: Can people change?
A: Of course they can, but only if they choose to and truly make the effort.
Q&A a Day: A 5-Year Journal

Happy Thought of the Day (HTOTD): Setting up my PS4.

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