Monday, September 30, 2019

20 Random Facts About Me

Here we go. Something else to pass the time.

Another old meme/quiz/whatever I found somewhere. Filled this out many moons ago, and now here we go with an updated version (in no particular order and straight off the dome).
  1. I have naturally curly hair. (Yes, my hair REALLY DOES grow out of my head like that.)
  2. I'm self-diagnosed OCD. I do have bouts of messiness from time to time, but the mess does irk and disgust me, and I crave to declutter and organize the chaos... at home or anywhere. I have helped many a friend organize, clean, and purge their homes... and in turn have been treated to dinner. (Also I REALLY love The Container Store and IKEA.) 
  3. I LOVE FONDANT!!! I've helped a friend make cakes for a mutual friend's son's birthday so I've been exposed to A LOT of fondants. I had tried some previous to the baking assists and really liked it (it's made with marshmallows!!!), and yes... I have debated on buying myself a bag just to snack on at home.
  4. I love turtles!!! (And dragons, Husky/Malamute/Corgi/Ambrosius-from-Labyrinth/Barkley-from-Sesame-Street dogs, sloths...) 
  5. I'm a blood-thirsty whore (aka I like violence). Fake violence, mind you. I really love a well-choreographed fight scene... like the elevator scene from Captain America - Winter Soldier, the church scene from The Kingsman, or anything from the John Wick series. You get the gist. (The only real violence I enjoy is MMA.)
  6. I'm a gamer! And by that, I mean ALL games - card, video, tabletop, console, computer, etc. (My favorite type of game overall are puzzle games.)
  7. I dabble in baking from time to time. I think I'm much better at it than actual cooking.
  8. I love organizational videos, DIY crafts, and the like.
  9. My favorite color is deep burgundy.
  10. My favorite soda is Dr. Pepper - but I grew up an RC Cola kid.
  11. My favorite book is "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
  12. I like trying new things - food, drinks, traveling to new places, etc.
  13. I love books, but my reading habits lean toward horror, science fiction/fantasy, and urban fantasy.
  14. I prefer v-neck shirts and sweaters.
  15. I'm not a shoe person per se, but I love boots - but due to my shoe size (10w) and my muscle-y calves, it's quite difficult to find boots that fit me.
  16. Several stores I can spend forever in: bookstores, stationery shops, Target, Whole Foods, and HomeGoods.
  17. I can't properly cross my eyes without a point of focus. If I don't have something to follow - like the tip of a pen or something similar - only one eye moves.
  18. I really want to try bullet-journaling, but I have no real artistic skills (and I've watched A LOT of tutorials) so that puts me off, but maybe one day.
  19. I prefer red wine and stout beers (preferably milk stout and/or barrel-aged). And my favorite cocktail is a Bloody Mary.
  20. I'm a big milk drinker, but I love most of the dairy family: cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. I usually only drink milk on three occasions: if it's chocolate milk, if I'm eating cookies (mostly for dunking purposes), and if I'm eating a rich dessert like chocolate cake (helps cut the sweetness).
And there you have it.

And maybe next time, there will be a legit post from me. We shall see.

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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