Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Book Suggestions (please)!!!

So after my last post, I took to Facebook and asked for suggestions for missing titles for my 2015 Reading Challenge. And wow! A lot of people gave mr some suggestions.

A book written by someone under 30
A mystery or thriller
A book of short stories
A book set in a different country
A popular author's first book 

A book from an author you love that you haven't read yet
A Pulitzer Prize-winning book

A book at the bottom of your to-read list
A book your mom loves
A book that scares you
A book more than 100 years old

  • Peter Pan by JM Barrie (suggested by Nigel M) *listened to the audio last year, read by Jim Dale
  • The Cocktail Party by TS Eliot (suggested by Jillian S)
  • Alexandre Dumas (suggested by Nate C)
A book based entirely on its cover
A book you were supposed to read in school but didn't
A book you can finish in a day

A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
A book that came out the year you were born
A book with bad reviews
A book from your childhood
A book with a love triangle
A book set in the future
A book set in high school

  • Chocolate War by Robert Cormier (suggested by Jenny S) *I honestly can't remember if I've read this or not. Jenny's mom had me read one of Cormier's books when we worked at the bookstore together. I just remember the mass market cover was very 70's with a gun on the cover
  • Death Not Be Proud by Johnny Gunther (suggested by Jenny S)
  • Sick by Tom Leveen (suggested by Scott B)
A book you own but have never read
A book that takes place in your hometown
A book that was originally written in a different language
A book set during Christmas

  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (suggested by June B) *currently listening to this in the car, read by Jim Dale
A book written by an author with your same initials
A play

  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dicken (suggested by June B) *currently listening to this in the car, read by Jim Dale
A banned book

A book based on or turned into a TV show
A book you started but never finished

***Keep those suggestions coming, kids!***

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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