Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I'm Back Bitches! Miss Me?

I have been wanting to get back to blogging for a while. I have been SO completely out of the loop when it comes to writing in general that I need to get back into it - give myself some sort of schedule or something to get my butt back in gear.

Admittedly I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going to give it the ol' college try... again.

[looks back at past blog entries and cringes slightly]

I remember when I first started this blog back in 2011, my original idea was to write about... well... writing. I wanted to chronicle my life - a writer that wants to be published and on the bestseller lists alongside all her favorite authors - but due to various reasons (and I'm not making excuses since I admittedly take the blame in the end), things weren't panning out so well.

There was a time where I lost my writing mojo - my will to write anything. Usually, I'd be too tired from work and adulting to make a coherent effort to write and then eventually pass out and the next day - it's all gone.

I've thought about keeping a notepad next to my bed, but then aside from not having the best penmanship when barely conscious and not being near my light switch and never having a flashlight on standby, I never really did anything with that. And then I thought about what it would look like when I saw it later when I woke up. I imagine it being illegible or nonsensical - like that scene from "Baby Mama" when Kate has been partying, and she goes to visit Rob at his juice shop.

I keep this notepad by my bed in the middle of the night, and I write down these ideas when I'm half asleep, and they never make any sense.

I do that, too. And then I wake up, and I have these little notes that say things like, "make everybody twins" and "electric toilet."

Those are not good ideas.

They're really not. 

But this year, I've been thinking more and more about writing. Ideas that just won't go away. Things that stay with me through my exhausted, collapse on the bed evenings into the fully awake "ohmygawd, that story idea is still with me" next day.

Happy with that feeling, I've been noting, outlining, re-reading stuff I've written, changing some things, but still working on my story. (I have a few ideas, but I always seem to start one, write A LOT, and then hit a wall... and quite possibly lose faith in myself.) But I'm focusing on one story and one story alone and trying to get that done (Maybe by the end of this year? We shall see.)

In thinking about writing, I started thinking about this blog, but the format had to change. I would need some kind of posting schedule, but the actual posts - I decided I would write about the things I think and/or feel strongly about - things that I see and experience on a daily basis and sort of flesh them out here.

Having had writing discussions with others (writers and non-writers), the general consensus is just to make time, push through, and don't stop. But for me - when that wall appears and I slam into it? I don't want to sit staring at a blank page or a blinking cursor.

My feeling is: writing is still writing. 

Even if I'm working on a book idea and get stuck, writing something will keep my writer engine all lubed up to the point where I can eventually push through the blockage and get back to whatever I was originally working on. It's like with working out - don't stop and do nothing. Your body will cramp up and get achy and later on, you're going to feel like shit.

In that case, any writing for me keeps the creative juices flowing and helps chip away at that damn wall. 

So here we go. Writing whatever comes to mind.

My mind.

What could possibly go wrong?

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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