Wednesday, January 9, 2019

My Energy Levels Are In A State of Flux

from a random Google quote search
Let's take care of some housekeeping first - one moment.

Q: You are lucky: how so or not so?
A: It's all relative since I don't find myself lucky or unlucky - but doesn't the saying go that we make our own luck?
Q&A a Day: A 5-Year Journal

Happy Thought of the Day (HTOTD): Cooking.
Q: What song is stuck in your head?
A: "Movement" by Hozier
Q&A a Day: A 5-Year Journal


And now we're back. (Miss me?)

I'm tired.

Very tired.

I would like to sleep for a week... or more... much more.

For the past couple of days, I have been waking up with some slight nausea. Nothing too overwhelming. In my later years, I've experienced nausea as a symptom of impending powerloss, but seeing as that is a couple weeks out, I wonder if my body is frakking with me like "Hey, I know it's time yet, but hey - wanted to make you feel extra crappy today. Bye now!"

I felt icky Monday but pushed myself to go to work, and the feeling eventually passed. Tuesday - the same thing - only it didn't really pass. It went in waves, accompanied by a little bit of dizziness. I told my co-lead as well as another member of my team that I was heading out ASAP. I was waiting for the food that I had ordered to arrive (since it would have been soon) before I left. Also, there were some things I needed to take care of before I left, but then passed the end of morning shift baton to a co-worker.

Usually, I ask, but there are days where I'm so dead or so sick that I just tell. I hate that, but there isn't an option in this case. And as soon as I made it home, I died. I set all my work stuff down, changed into jammies, and passed out.

Eight hours later, I woke up. Tummy less icky but still unhappy. I was also hungry. I ate part of my lunch for a very late dinner. Then I hopped online to try and sort some stuff out for my friends' wedding next month, but my brain wasn't into it. Couldn't focus. Usually, in those moments, that little voice in my head is saying "zone out on YouTube" or "just go back to bed" - which I plan on doing soon. 

I also need to plan for my niece's birthday party this weekend. Rollerskating. It's been forever since I've been on skates. I shall expect blisters.

My niece's birthday was officially yesterday so now she is eleven years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BELLA!!! AUNTIE LOVES YOU!!!

Okay... tired is setting in, and I need to wash my face and brush my teeth before I officially hit the sack... again. I know it's not much of a life update, but hey - being sick-ish doesn't provide for interesting content. (Or I don't provide interesting content.) 

In either case...

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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