Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Not In the Best Headspace Right Now

I'm not the happiest at the moment.

That's most likely due to stress.

Too much stress in my everyday life.

Too much stress in (almost) every aspect of my life.

But I keep on keeping on... is that a plus?

I'm also not feeling my best, but that's mainly due to some dry cough that I can't seem to kick although I notice it's waning so... yay?

I'm also experiencing powerloss (which I haaaaaaaaate!), but it's not like I can yell NOT TODAY SATAN! and have it instantly vanish, taking all of its annoying symptoms with it.

See ya later, bloating!

It's been real nausea! (No it hasn't.)

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, tender ta-tas! 

Oh yeah, and whoever's in charge of taking my latent aches and pains to an 11? You can kick your own ass out! 

To have that kind of power to banish all that lady bits nonsense would be amazing!

I once heard a stand-up comedian talk about her cycle pains being so bad, she joked about grinding up Midol and snorting it in hopes it would kick in faster. I will admit - the idea intrigues me.

I should be asleep right now... but due to powerloss and the added "can I just lay down here and not move for a while" trait kicks in when I get home after work. That mixed in with the current warmer climate just screams "naptime." 

My insomnia on the other hand doesn't care about powerloss and her napcidents. Oh no. It's like the two of them are playing a never-ending tennis game where I always lose. (As an example, I should be in bed right now, but I'm not. I'm here with my laptop seriously questioning my sleep schedule and how we got here.)

I just spied the clock (not on purpose) and see it's almost 1am.

Time to down some ibuprofen, hope for a pleasant slumber and a good day at work tomorrow.

(In quickly reviewing this post, I don't think it sounds all that interesting, but I want to write more, so I'll leave it for now. And who says each entry needs to be a masterpiece?)

Seriously, I should go to bed. It'd be nice if I had a nice dream to wake up from. Recently, I've had a few dreams that involved people that I "know" from show, films, theatre... and them being in my dream. And we're not doing anything exciting. We're just people who know each other having a beer or a cup of tea while we sit around and chat about this and that.

It's better than some of the other "dreams" I've had before. Those can just stay away.

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!