Wednesday, September 11, 2019

In The Meantime...

So... seeing as I haven't been posting as much as I'd like to be these days (and I'm still trying to work on that - my apologies), I thought I'd do some little posts here and there to pass the time.

One questionnaire of sorts that came to mind was from a Tom Holland interview with Jess Cagle... and the questions are called "The Cagle Exercise." I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to give a one-word answer, but since Tom didn't, I'm going to follow in his footsteps.

So... without further ado...


1. Strangers describe me as...?


2. Close friends describe me as...?


3. The song that always makes me dance is...?

The first song that came to mind -- "Boogie Shoes" by K.C. and the Sunshine Band

4. The movie I've seen the most times is...?

It's a tie between Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, and White Christmas.

5. I think I'm really good at...?

Improv, creating... or making people happy/laugh/smile.

6. I feel sexiest when I'm...?

I've been made up for an event like a friend's wedding, etc - or when I've pampered myself in some way (like when I get a pedicure or my hair done/styled). Or making people happy/laugh/smile.

7. The best advice I've ever received is___?

To be honest - with myself, with others, etc.

8. The worst advice I've ever received is ___?

I don't remember the exact wording, but basically to not be honest.

9. As a child, I dreamed of becoming ___?

When I was really young, I thought about what it'd be like to be a firefighter or something like that, but as I got older, my love of stories took a strong hold so writing (and entertaining) became my passion/dream job.

10. As I'm falling asleep, I think about ---?

My future... and my stories/writing.

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

1 comment:

  1. One must be willing to express themselves in the open and not hide in the shadows. If you aspire to be a writer then get out there and write. Don’t hide.
