Sunday, December 3, 2017

Blogmas - Day 3

Today was truly a lazy day.

Went to bed late. Slept in. Woke up to pee.

Oh the glamorous life! LOL

Seriously though - nothing really happened. The day before I was half-lazy and half-productive. Today? I'm just pure sloth.

The most productive thing I did all day was wash, deep condition, and detangle my hair. It can be a pain the ass, but I've gotten better at protective hairstyles when I sleep (aka braids), and I don't use much product in it anymore.

I still want to dye my hair. I still want the purple, but there are no purple dyes that have the peroxide built in like the red ones do. I thought maybe I could mix blue and red together to make purple, but I'm scared to. Plus the red from my last long ago dye job is still prevalent in my locks - so much so people still call me Red on occasion. (Two girls at work when they first met me referred to me as Brave or Merida. I took that as a compliment... and still do.)

I wrote some.

I ate some.

I bathed some.

I watched some shows.

So yeah - real productive relaxing day. (Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.)

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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